Am/Can CH Cedar Creeks Kanani Mohala, CGC
August 4, 2003 - August 3, 2017
OFA Hips Fair, OFA Elbows Normal,OFA Heart - Doppler Clear
CERF Normal 2011, Optigen A, Full Dentition
CH Beechcroft's Perfect Charmer x Cedar Creek's Mckenzie Sage

Cedar Creeks Irish Cream
AM/CAN CH Tormentil Labradale Primetime x Cedar Creeks Gold Coreopsis, CD
Born December 20, 2003
OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart - Doppler Clear, Eyes Checked Yearly, Optigen B, Full Dentition

Cedar Creeks Glamour Girl
CH Hedgelawn Sharp Dressed Man x Cedar Creeks Gold Coreopis, CD
Born March 13, 2005
OFA Hips Excellent, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart - Doppler Clear
Eyes Checked Yearly, Optigen B, Full Dentition

Am/Can CH Cedar Creeks All That Jazz
CH Ghoststone Hyspire Dressed to Impress x Cedar Creeks Irish Cream
April 16, 2006 - August 5, 2020
OFA Hips Excellent, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart - Echo/Doppler Clear,
current CERF, Optigen B, EIC clear, Full Dentition

Cedar Creeks Maximum Black
CH Beechcroft's Study in Black x Cedar Creeks Gold Coreopsis, CD
November 28, 2006 - February 27 2023
OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart - Doppler Clear,CERF Normal, Optigen B, Full Dentition

Can CH Cedarmarsh's Makalapua
AM/CAN CH Brookberry's Perfect Impression x AM/CAN CH Cedar Creeks Kanani Mohala
Born December 29, 2007 - October 22,2021
OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart - Echo/Doppler Clear, CERF, Optigen Normal, EIC Clear, Full Dentition

Delilah thrilled us by going best puppy in show at 9 mths of age.
Best puppy - Laura Dedering (Folklaur)
Group 1 - Dr Hideaki Nakazawa
Best puppy in show - Dr. Robert Smith.

Cedarmarsh's The Hotter the Better
CH Hyspire Hot to Trot, JH x Am Can CH Cedar Creeks Kanani Mohala
Born August 24, 2009
OFA Hips Excellent, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart - Echo/Doppler Clear,
CERF normal, Optigen B, EIC Carrier, Full Dentition

Cedarmarsh's Plantin' a Wish
Can CH Brookberry's Wish Come True x Cedar Creeks Maximum Black
Born April 2, 2009
Eyes Cleared at 7 weeks of age
OFA Hips Excellent, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart - Echo/Doppler Clear, CERF, Optigen Carrier, EIC Clear, Full Dentition

Cedarmarsh's Canadian Celebration
AM CAN CH Cedar Creek's All That Jazz x MBISS AM GCH CAN CH Paradocs Obsidian
Born July 1, 2012
OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart/Doppler Clear, Eyes Checked Yearly, Optigen Carrier, EIC Normal by parentage, Full Dentition

Cedarmarsh's O'Canada
AM CAN CH Cedar Creek's All That Jazz x MBISS AM GCH CAN CH Paradocs Obsidian
Born July 1, 2012
OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart/Doppler Clear, Eyes Checked Yearly, PRA Normal, EIC Normal by parentage, Full Dentition

Cedarmarsh's Steamin' Hot
CH Ania's Bogart WC JH x Cedarmarsh's the Hotter the Better
Born March 26, 2013
OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart/Doppler Clear, Eyes Checked Yearly, PRA Carrier, EIC Normal, CNM Normal, HNP Normal, Full Dentition

Cedarmarsh's Sandpiper
Can CH Brookberry's Just Jack x Cedarmarsh's Canadian Celebration
Born March 2, 2015
OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart/Doppler Clear, Eyes Checked Yearly, PRA Carrier, EIC Normal, CNM Normal,
HNP Normal, Full Dentition

Cedarmarsh's Feet Don't Touch The Ground
GCH CH Shadowbrooks Light on My Feet x Cedarmarsh's Canadian Celebration
Born September 9, 2015
OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart/Doppler Clear, Eyes Checked Yearly, PRA Normal, EIC Normal, CNM Normal, HNP Carrier, Full Dentition
Cedarmarsh's La Boheme
GCH CH Hyspire Bohemian Rhapsody x Cedarmarsh's Steamin' Hot

Born December 7, 2015
OFA Hips Excellent, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart/Doppler Normal, Eyes Checked Yearly, PRA Carrier, EIC Normal, CNM Normal, HNP Normal, Copper Toxicosis ATP7A WT/M Carrier, ATP7B Normal (clear)Full Dentition

Cedarmarsh's Vie De Boheme, DJ
GCH CH Hyspire Bohemian Rhapsody x Cedarmarsh's Steamin' Hot
Born December 7, 2015
OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart/Doppler Normal, Eyes Checked Yearly, PRA Carrier, EIC Normal, CNM Normal, HNP Normal, Copper Toxicosis ATP7A Normal/Clear, ATP7B Normal (clear), Full Dentition

Cedarmarsh's Kodiak Island
Born April 3, 2018
OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart/Doppler Clear, Eyes Checked Yearly, PRA Carrier, EIC Normal, CNM Normal, HNP Normal, Copper Toxicosis ATP7A Normal/Clear, ATP7B Normal (clear), Full Dentition

Cedarmarsh's Radiant Solitaire
Born April 28, 2017
OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Heart/Doppler Normal, Eyes Checked Yearly, PRA Normal, EIC Normal, CNM Normal, HNP Normal, Copper Toxicosis ATP7A Normal/Clear, ATP7B Normal (clear), Full Dentition